
Import this form

Copy the text below and go to Forms → Tools → Import Form. Paste it in and Import!

Try again!

Yes, oranges are orange - that one was too easy

Congrats! You can see how conditional logic can be used to create a more personal user experience and thus only derive the most relevant information from your users.

Try again!

Yes, strawberries are red

Congrats! You can see how conditional logic can be used to create a more personal user experience and thus only derive the most relevant information from your users.

Try again!

Yes, a banana is yellow

Congrats! You can see how conditional logic can be used to create a more personal user experience and thus only derive the most relevant information from your users.

Try again!

Yes, an apple can be red or green

Congrats! You can see how conditional logic can be used to create a more personal user experience and thus only derive the most relevant information from your users.

Import this form

Copy the text below and go to Forms → Tools → Import Form. Paste it in and Import!

Conditional pages

You can skip entire pages of the form using conditional logic rules.

Page 1 of 3
Hello, welcome to page 2. Carry on...
Welcome to page 3, I see that you didn't skip page 2.
Congratulations, you skipped to page 3!